Monday, November 16, 2009

Happy Birthday Karisa! My sweet angel, you were 3 years old a couple days ago and we had a blast for your day! Pancakes, Mcdonald's happy meals, san jose beach and a cherry cake to top off the evening. You are delightful, fun loving and bursting with personality! You shine with your ability to make me smile and the jokes, my sweet girl you can never be accused of having no sense of humor! You are intelligent and able to tell me just about everything that goes on in that little mind of yours. You fight for what is rightfully yours and will not be pushed around. You are content with playing with your little brother most of the time, but insist that you are a big girl and hang with the big girls often. Kaley and Makenzy have so much fun teaching you about the world around. And, right on point you let your little bro in on the details of this life and how the chain of command is supposed to work.
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1 comment:

  1. Karisa!! Sweet angel, you are THREE!!! I cannot believe it-I remember calling your mommy and hearing all the details from a sleep deprived, deliriously happy momma. You are SO loved and missed too, I might add. Tell your mommy that it's not the same here without her. I miss your family and wish I could give you all a squeeze and a kiss. I loved seeing the updates and I continue to pray for you all. You are a blessed girl, Karisa. Your family and friends love you all SO much- the beach photo is absolutely gorgeous of you and your sisters-I hope to see lots more of those. You all deserve every happiness in the world!!

    Love You!
